Sailing boats of various classes gracefully navigate the waters around Our Lady of the Rocks on a picturesque day, captured in an aerial photo.

21st – 22nd July

Montenegro’s premier international regatta, hosted by Lahor YC. Open to all classes, this traditional sailing event welcomes boats to our local waters, paying homage to the Bay’s seafaring tradition.

To rent a J70 boat, contact


*Photo by: 


  1. 4. July 2023. at 15:26

    Kada će se ove god. održati Arse al cup i kada se može uplatiti kotizacija za učešće?

    • 6. July 2023. at 14:22
      Jovana Ostojic

      Poštovanje Zorane. Arsenal Cup se održava 15. jula, a za uplatu kotizacije kontaktirajte našu menadžerku Jenny putem mail-a:

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